Content standards is section 6.3 in the terms and conditions page. Just click on the terms and conditions link it should be the bottommost link and it is accessible no matter which page your viewing on the site then scroll to section 6.3. Content standards contains list from letter (a) to (q). It’s mainly for users and all website interactions. I’m sure models have there own agreements, terms and conditions on their sections of the site. Nobody ever reads the terms and conditions and they should be read because we agree to them automatically when we use the site.
Content standards is section 6.3 in the terms and conditions page. Just click on the terms and conditions link it should be the bottommost link and it is accessible no matter which page your viewing on the site then scroll to section 6.3. Content standards contains list from letter (a) to (q). It’s mainly for users and all website interactions. I’m sure models have there own agreements, terms and conditions on their sections of the site. Nobody ever reads the terms and conditions and they should be read because we agree to them automatically when we use the site.
Thanks! As you say, these are specifically for "user contributions." Even so, I don't see anything in them that would forbid the kind of private show people are talking about. (That I find it kinda gross doesn't make it a violation of the rules.) There's something about nothing "indecent" or "obscene" or "objectionable" and that users not post something that would "cause annoyance, inconvenience, or needless anxiety or be likely to upset, embarrass, alarm, or annoy any other person" but that's pretty vague stuff. I'm not sticking up for having such shows (though I tend to be pretty "to each his own" on this kind of stuff), just wondering where people get the information that it is specifically forbidden content.
8/2/21 @ 9:00pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: United States
Posts: 571
I just get annoyed and sickened especially if it’s a model I took private and then I see them sniffing their own poo in an image on the VOD storyline reel. I can’t help but think less of someone that stoops to that level. They could at least have some dignity I mean if there were no rules and it’s each to their own devices then what’s to stop someone from requesting something crazy and morally despicable like what’s described in 6.3 section (q). The terms in 6.3 section (q) are not vague at all and if I ever saw a VOD depicting anything described in 6.3 section (q) then I’d be done with this for sure. I just think we should be able to search VODs and not see poo and pee or anything described in section (q). I am not looking for that it’s not fair that we could even be exposed to it.
8/5/21 @ 4:23pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 1,864
This is flirt and if there are some members who are into the extreme acts I am sure there are plenty of other sites out there who might satisfy their odd teasts.