Is there a more permanent solution in the works?

Thank you for this information, We are currently looking into this issue. Your patience is greatly appreciated. Quote

12/19/17 @ 10:27am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Verkhoyansk, Caxa

12/29/17 @ 5:59pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Heart of England
Posts: 542
Could not get cam2Cam tester to work at all on the tester page on Firefox (version 57.0.3 (64-bit) let alone work in a a model's room.
It worked on Chrome in the tester page but was denying access (frozen pop up to allow cam showing it as Deny) in the models room.
Microsoft Edge worked in tester page but I did not check in model's room as had wasted too many credits already.
Has the Cam2Cam problem been fixed yet before I waste anymore credits? Quote

Could not get cam2Cam tester to work at all on the tester page on Firefox (version 57.0.3 (64-bit) let alone work in a a model's room.
It worked on Chrome in the tester page but was denying access (frozen pop up to allow cam showing it as Deny) in the models room.
Microsoft Edge worked in tester page but I did not check in model's room as had wasted too many credits already.
Has the Cam2Cam problem been fixed yet before I waste anymore credits?
This is a different problem than the first couple of reports in this thread and sounds like a browser(s) issue. Browsers are making it pretty hard to enable flash these days.
- First check Three-vertical-dots menu->Settings->Advanced->Content Settings->Flash and make sure that the top-most slider is set to 'Ask First (recommended)' in stead of 'Block'.
- Go to the cam test page: https://www.flirt4free.com/help-popups/cam2cam.php
- In the address bar at the top of the browser to the left of the URL you'll see either a circle-with-an-i-in-it icon or a lock icon. Click on the icon to reveal a menu. On the bottom of this menu is a 'site options' button; click it. Find the 'Flash' setting in the page that opens and change the setting to 'Allow'.
- Close menu, reload cam test page and make sure the test player works.
- Flash should now load on flirt4free without needing to answer yes to any questions. Until they go and change it again, at least.
- Make sure flash is installed (https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/)
- Choose the Hamburger menu (three stacked lines) -> Add-Ons option
- Make sure Shockwave Flash is set to 'Always Activate'.
- Flash should now load on flirt4free without needing to answer yes to any questions. Until they go and change it again, at least.
- First check the three-horizontal-dots menu->Settings->View Advanced Settings->Use Adobe Flash option and make sure it's set to 'On'.
- Go to the cam test page: https://www.flirt4free.com/help-popups/cam2cam.php
- In the address bar at the top of the browser to the left of the URL you'll see either a circle-with-an-i-in-it icon or a lock icon. Click on the icon to reveal a menu. On the bottom of this menu is a slider to manage website permissions for Adobe Flash. Make sure the setting is set to 'On'. Reload page to verify that flash content is displayed without a question.
- Flash should now load on flirt4free without needing to answer yes to any questions. Until they go and change it again, at least.
Please note that we're working on a flashless cam to cam solution and should have something to show off in Q1 2018. Quote

This is expected behavior, actually. The video reembeds on the page after your first pledge to apply your new video token. I agree it could be better, but worlds different from a c2c freeze up.

The performers did an upgrade on their end, and now cam2cam freezes a lot less often as it did. Instead of every 30 seconds, it's now after 5 minutes or so. While it does still freeze, it is a major improvement.
To be on the safe side, I updated my webcam drivers, but I still have cam2cam freeze after 5 minutes.

1/19/18 @ 9:47am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Verkhoyansk, Caxa
Same for me, I noticed a big improvement. Yesterday was my first hour-long cam2cam session without freezing


The performers did an upgrade on their end, and now cam2cam freezes a lot less often as it did. Instead of every 30 seconds, it's now after 5 minutes or so. While it does still freeze, it is a major improvement.
To be on the safe side, I updated my webcam drivers, but I still have cam2cam freeze after 5 minutes
Nice to hear that our player updates made a difference!
Obviously we'd still like to tackle the remaining freeze ups. What's the experience like visually on your end when the video freezes up? Does your preview of yourself continue to playback or is that frozen too?

1/19/18 @ 10:13pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Verkhoyansk, Caxa
Same for me, every time it looks fine on my side until I'm being told by the model that my video feed froze on her side.

By pressing Stop Cam and Start Cam, I re-establish my video and audio feed to the performer. It is not isolated to one performer, by the way.