In the pv there is a very significant and annoying delay in terms of audio, I speak, but I can be heard almost a minute later in the models' broadcast, it would be good to solve it and not have that delay so that I can talk to the model without problems .
It would likely be due to the video player type you are using, they have different latencies so for little to no delay you would need to use the “Ultra Low” player, “Low” has a slight delay but it’s manageable, the one that is shockingly bad is the “Standard” player, I’ve noticed a delay of a minute or more when using it.
I’d strongly encourage using a PC with an Ethernet connection to give you the best possible connection that should allow you to do the UL player (you can change the player in the bottom left of the video feed).
Worth noting that the UL player isn’t always available in a room, but the Low should always be there - which usually only had a 5-10 second delay for me.