Amazon wishlists are a great idea and I both support them and use them a lot. I have even shown models how to set them up and I am a seller on Amazon myself. I have never used your Wish List because I have my own contract. However, there are complications for your models that you should warn them about.
Most significantly, items purchased from third-party sellers on Amazon (not Amazon itself) sometimes do not follow Amazon's protocol for anonymous shipping. I have received an email invoice after placing an order that gave me the models name and address (even though Amazon did not reveal it to me during the order process), and I imagine the model got a copy of that invoice in the order so my name and address were likely revealed. Some models get around this by using reshipping services.
Models should be aware that orders on Amazon can be cancelled anytime before they are shipped. Some users will exploit this and convince a model they have purchased something that they will later cancel.
Most third-party sellers on Amazon will not ship internationally (they lose too much money on shipping). Models need to select items that are shipped by Amazon. Otherwise the order will be declined at check-out. Using a US based reshipping service can overcome this problem.
Amazon has sites based outside the USA, so it is possible for the model to set up a wishlist that is based in the same country. This gets more complicated for buyers who may not understand the language or the currency exchange.
There is even a way to add items to a wishlist that are not sold or shipped by Amazon or an Amazon affiliated seller. These can also be located internationally. The link in the Amazon wishlist will lead to the other website for ordering.
All that said, I am sure that Flirt 4 Free will find the biggest drawback is that they will not get paid a commission on the sale, like the current vendor does now. This is why I doubt I will ever see Amazon wish lists directly on Flirt 4 Free. It does not however, stop a model from using them - nor do your silly restrictions on typing URL's in chat and F$F email.