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Minor irritant- being logged out
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Technical Support: Minor irritant- being logged out
Created by: siviasi-i

6/27/14 @ 11:05pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

not 100% sure if this is the exact scenario but i'm definitely being logged out - i think i have noticed more than a few times it happens if i click on the F4F logo (back to home screen) when a model goes on break and/or the room times out because of model break under the new interface
Created by: purgatory

6/29/14 @ 2:12pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

SIVIASI-I yes there is something a miss recently a lot of us are having this same exact problem on all browsers, it seems to time us out after a period (random periods) and we have to login again even if we are sat in a room chatting for a while and we decide to change room we find we have been logged out, lost our favorites list and clicking a room sends us to the grey user interface of that room with a grey user name. I mentioned this a few times and last few days a lot of people keep asking me what is going on regarding this automatic logging out issue.

VS is there something wrong with your cookie handling for the site recently, are cookies expiring and causing this too or is it some new way to save bandwidth and logging out users at a set period of inactivity that the system thinks has happened?
Created by: gayslave4u

6/30/14 @ 4:52pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 619

I have never been logged off but, when I click on the discount or promo banner at the top of the screen, I get kicked to the female side. Weird ...
Created by: vs_craig

7/8/14 @ 5:28pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Posts: 524

Hi guys, we are investigating this issue. For those affected, could you please let me know if you are still encountering the issue at this time?
Created by: normal3

7/9/14 @ 1:22pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

Hi guys, we are investigating this issue. For those affected, could you please let me know if you are still encountering the issue at this time?

Created by: purgatory

7/13/14 @ 7:37pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

Hi guys, we are investigating this issue. For those affected, could you please let me know if you are still encountering the issue at this time?

Hi Craig,

It still logs us out after a period, it seems to be random times or random periods of inactivity even while being sat in a room. Now when clicking another room and realising you have been logged out it takes us to the part when you login that tells you the credit promotions available for you and logs you back in. So basically it's still broken.


Created by: vs_ryan

7/18/14 @ 9:41pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Here!!
Posts: 69

Hi Craig,

It still logs us out after a period, it seems to be random times or random periods of inactivity even while being sat in a room. Now when clicking another room and realising you have been logged out it takes us to the part when you login that tells you the credit promotions available for you and logs you back in. So basically it's still broken.



Hey Purgatory,

I'm trying to debug this and figure out what's going on, can you tell me a few things.

1. How long of inactivity before this happens on average?
2. What Browser are you currently using?

Created by: purgatory

7/19/14 @ 5:14am (EST) |UTC - 5:00

Hey Purgatory,

I'm trying to debug this and figure out what's going on, can you tell me a few things.

1. How long of inactivity before this happens on average?
2. What Browser are you currently using?


Hey Ryan,

1. it's really random mate it can do it in under an hour some days maybe even 10-20 minutes and other days can happen anytime it feels like it sometimes over a few hours. It's worse on the forums I noticed, if you leave it on the forums and come back you will find you have been logged out and only trick I can find to stop it doing this is to leave the home page ( running in another tab and let it auto refresh as it does and that keeps me logged in without it randomly logging me out.

2. I'm using latest Firefox version 30 and it did it even on previous versions of Firefox. I will this weekend test to see if it does the same behavior on other browsers.

There is a few other things that are annoying and seem to be related to this and how it remembers our settings, I noticed also if you close the browser and come back to the home page it looses all our preferred settings we may have set for the menu listing like A-Z view and show all models on one page, then in the rooms it defaults also back to the bubbles on,the audio unmuted and looses the in room menu options set too like most viewers shown first (#Viewers), which is not what I had set as my preferred settings before closing the browser. The cookies must be expiring after the browser is closed or not read correctly again. All other sites I use don't show this behavior and remember all my settings fine when I restart my browser so which leads me to believe it's not a browser issue, but the way cookies are handled by the Flirt4Free system.

Hope you're having a great weekend and thanks for looking into this Ryan.

Best Regards

Created by: vs_craig

7/24/14 @ 3:17pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Posts: 524

1. it's really random mate it can do it in under an hour some days maybe even 10-20 minutes and other days can happen anytime it feels like it sometimes over a few hours. It's worse on the forums I noticed, if you leave it on the forums and come back you will find you have been logged out and only trick I can find to stop it doing this is to leave the home page ( running in another tab and let it auto refresh as it does and that keeps me logged in without it randomly logging me out.

2. I'm using latest Firefox version 30 and it did it even on previous versions of Firefox. I will this weekend test to see if it does the same behavior on other browsers.

We are desperately trying to replicate these issues. The only way we can replicate this is by clearing out our cookies - which is a bit obvious. Session expiration, sitting on a page for an extremely long time, private browsing - none of these produce the problem. Can you think of anything you have running on your system that could be clearing out your cookies on a regular basis? Browser settings? Software?

To everyone that is experiencing the issue, are you all using FireFox?

There is a few other things that are annoying and seem to be related to this and how it remembers our settings, I noticed also if you close the browser and come back to the home page it looses all our preferred settings we may have set for the menu listing like A-Z view and show all models on one page, then in the rooms it defaults also back to the bubbles on,the audio unmuted and looses the in room menu options set too like most viewers shown first (#Viewers), which is not what I had set as my preferred settings before closing the browser. The cookies must be expiring after the browser is closed or not read correctly again. All other sites I use don't show this behavior and remember all my settings fine when I restart my browser so which leads me to believe it's not a browser issue, but the way cookies are handled by the Flirt4Free system.

This is being looked into separately by the chat guys. The new HTML5 system uses cookies to track user settings, so clearing out your cookies is what causes settings to be lost. Using private browsing would also have the same effect when you close the browser. This would totally be related to the main issue, but at least for these chat settings we are looking at other ways to store user settings so that they remain more permanent without compromising user privacy.

Created by: lickau

7/25/14 @ 12:18am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Moving slowly but surely somewhere sometime
Posts: 29,285

Almost always when I get "nag screen" to buy more credits - I am logged out frequently .
Sometimes every hour or 2 .

I sent email and Submit Help form both here to Customer Support - neither got a reply .
This problem was reported there as well as "nag screen" showing up even while being a Fan Club member and buying credits recently [ 2 to 3 weeks ] .

I seen nice improvements in new interface . Most bugs being fixed fairly quick after being reported .

Other times when I get logged out is when I clean my cache with Disk Cleanup when logged on here and when New Interface the first week or 2 .
That seems fixed for me using Windows 8 with IE 10 or 11 .

Created by: purgatory

7/25/14 @ 12:41pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

We are desperately trying to replicate these issues. The only way we can replicate this is by clearing out our cookies - which is a bit obvious. Session expiration, sitting on a page for an extremely long time, private browsing - none of these produce the problem. Can you think of anything you have running on your system that could be clearing out your cookies on a regular basis? Browser settings? Software?

To everyone that is experiencing the issue, are you all using FireFox?

There is a few other things that are annoying and seem to be related to this and how it remembers our settings, I noticed also if you close the browser and come back to the home page it looses all our preferred settings we may have set for the menu listing like A-Z view and show all models on one page, then in the rooms it defaults also back to the bubbles on,the audio unmuted and looses the in room menu options set too like most viewers shown first (#Viewers), which is not what I had set as my preferred settings before closing the browser. The cookies must be expiring after the browser is closed or not read correctly again. All other sites I use don't show this behavior and remember all my settings fine when I restart my browser so which leads me to believe it's not a browser issue, but the way cookies are handled by the Flirt4Free system.

This is being looked into separately by the chat guys. The new HTML5 system uses cookies to track user settings, so clearing out your cookies is what causes settings to be lost. Using private browsing would also have the same effect when you close the browser. This would totally be related to the main issue, but at least for these chat settings we are looking at other ways to store user settings so that they remain more permanent without compromising user privacy.


Hi Craig,

I'm not using any program that clears out the cookies and cached files on the browser mate and i'm not in privacy mode on the browser when browsing. I even checked my cookies for flirt4free are still on the browser just they seem to not function correctly after a browser restart and the automatic login out problem is still there and still random.

I really need to sit down and spend a bit of time tryign to figure out what is exactly tripping it but my browser is stock browser with sun java and adobe flash player only installed, I don't use toolbars or any other add-ons, I keep my browsers very clean with the minimum installed on them. I also have seen the same thing happen on more than one system, so it's not a computer problem. This is why it's driving me crazy to figure out what is doing it, as I said the only way I can stop it logging out randomly is to leave the flirt4free home page running in another tab refreshing automatically the rooms online as it does. I find doing this stops it logging out so often. I will try sit down and spend some time testing it on other browsers too and see if the same happens and to see if it is related to how Firefox is working, but as I said no other site causes me this problem and I uses 100's of different sites in a day on the same browser and computers.

I will also sit down and try recreate some events that cause some of these issues and maybe we can compare results and see if we both get the same outcomes when we do certain things Eg, like when shutting down the browser does it keep your view settings for the home page and does it remember the room settings you set before you closed the browser. These are things I'm finding it does not remember as it should as well as random logging out problem.



Created by: vs_craig

9/9/14 @ 6:19pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Posts: 524

Hi guys,

We identified an issue where users that found a room or a page to hang around in for a while were experiencing a problem where their sessions were expiring prematurely, despite the fact they they were still engaging with the page that they were on. This was causing these users to be unexpectedly logged out of their accounts.

We rolled out some system updates to resolve this issue last week so, hopefully, you should no longer be experiencing this problem.

Created by: purgatory

9/9/14 @ 10:07pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

Hi guys,

We identified an issue where users that found a room or a page to hang around in for a while were experiencing a problem where their sessions were expiring prematurely, despite the fact they they were still engaging with the page that they were on. This was causing these users to be unexpectedly logged out of their accounts.

We rolled out some system updates to resolve this issue last week so, hopefully, you should no longer be experiencing this problem.


Thanks Craig :thumbsup, I noticed it's behaving better now :) and it's not logging us out so far.
Created by: sissywearslingerie

9/10/14 @ 4:29pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 119

Thanks Craig :thumbsup, I noticed it's behaving better now :) and it's not logging us out so far.

i posted about this a while ago but had no reason or it was too long and random to re-experience glad its fixed. yet im not sure it happens still. I used to be logged in everytime i come to the sight i liked that but now i just gotta press login

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