Z, did the site announce what you suggest above? I'll pay closer attention the next time I use one of my 3 free passes. Free viewings have never contributed toward the viewing's counter. Did the site make a change during the unveiling of the new VOD system? The counter has only tracked bought viewings. As example I have a show from years past that was a free daily VOD. It has several comments from members but it has "0" viewings. I've watched many free VOD's available to VIP's and the count never changed afterward.
I have shows marked "ineligible' by the site with high viewing counts. Also I have brand new shows with a viewing count in the first 24 hours. In the past a show was available only to the initial member for the first 24 hours after the show occurred. I think that remains. Can the site or anyone confirm? I believe the inaccurate counter issue remains. Quote

Z, did the site announce what you suggest above? I'll pay closer attention the next time I use one of my 3 free passes. Free viewings have never contributed toward the viewing's counter. Did the site make a change during the unveiling of the new VOD system? The counter has only tracked bought viewings. As example I have a show from years past that was a free daily VOD. It has several comments from members but it has "0" viewings. I've watched many free VOD's available to VIP's and the count never changed afterward.
I have shows marked "ineligible' by the site with high viewing counts. Also I have brand new shows with a viewing count in the first 24 hours. In the past a show was available only to the initial member for the first 24 hours after the show occurred. I think that remains. Can the site or anyone confirm? I believe the inaccurate counter issue remains.
The views on my private VODs go up every time I watch (or attempt to watch) them, so I assume that free views are also counted. I don't have anything official to reference, just my own observation.

New view counts will be difficult to track since several things can increase the view count: previews, views by admin, views by the performer, views by a user that has already purchased the video, and your own views.
So, let's say that someone bought your video. They now own it and can re-watch it as many times as they like. Each time they do, the view is counted. You only earn credits for the purchase though, not each time that they watch their video. So tracking your earnings based on views isn't going to work. You need to utilize the Director's Cut to track your earnings.

11/7/17 @ 2:18am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: California, USA
Posts: 63

Tweet them!

Tweet them!

Yes! Yes! Yes! Tweeting your videos is a great marketing idea. Another very important key to marketing your videos is making sure they end up in the search results. Title and describe your videos! We added the "Tag the Video" button on the player page for your convenience. When your videos pop up in your Vault, take the minute to tag them. Give it a catchy title, use key words that are important to searching, select the most relevant categories. A video with a title and description is going to be much more relevant in the search results than a video that still says "Performer Private Show" and no description.
Another thing that you might want to consider to gain more purchases is to work with the performers. Email them in advance and discuss ideas that might make a creative, entertaining, and profitable show for both of you. Find a performer with whom you work well and be creative with your direction. Anticipation can be sexy. Utilize the art of the striptease, not just the costumes and the toys. Do you have videos that are already selling well? What is it about them that is so special? Maybe you need to revisit that performer and repeat that magic.
If your videos aren't selling like hot cakes yet, don't get discouraged. We're barely a month into this new system and everyone is still trying to get used to it. Get your videos titled and described and start getting creative with your directing talent. Before you know it, people will be searching for your name to watch your videos!

11/8/17 @ 8:04am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: California, USA
Posts: 63