I am betting that flash is defaulting to a different mic driver than the one on your camera. I have seen cases where flash automatically chooses the right camera but the wrong mic so it's definitely not unheard of.
So first, let's confirm that flash is using the right mic. The next time you're in a show and want to use cam2cam, try this and see if it fixes your problem:
1. Start cam2cam
2. Once connected, right click on the cam2cam video. This will show you a menu.
3. In the menu, click 'Settings'. This will open your flash settings.
4. Choose the tab at the bottom of the settings box that has a microphone icon.
At this point, you are now looking at flash player's microphone settings menu. You will see a dropdown which will be displaying the microphone that flash is currently using. Under the dropdown on the left side, you will see a column of dashes; this is a microphone volume meter.
When you speak into your mic, you should see a colored bar pop up in that volume meter which represents the noise that your microphone is receiving. If you see this, then flash is using the correct microphone and your mic itself is also correctly working.
If you don't see the colored bar, then either flash is using the wrong mic (most likely) or your mic isn't working right. If you're at this point, let's first rule out that the problem is on flash's side.
Click on the dropdown at the top of the microphone settings box and check if there are other microphones in the list. If not, then the problem is occurring with your microphone. If there are other devices on the list, then choose the next device and try speaking into your mic again.
If you now see the color bar pop up in your volume meter whenever you talk into your mic, then you are now using the correct mic. If not, choose the next device in the list and try again. If you've gone through all the devices and you weren't able to register any sound, then again, you microphone is having issues.
If you were able to find a device that's outputting sound on the volume meter, then you are ready to go, just click the close button in the lower right corner of the settings menu.
Please give this a try and let me know if your microphone registered sound correctly and if that fixed the problem for you. If not, we'll go to the next step.