I just did all that and it still begins to load the room then sends me to a new one over and over again, so it didn't work
Hey Tzadik,
Give us a bit more information, can you answer some of the following below, it will make it easier to help you.
1- PC/Laptop brand and model number or other device you maybe using(Eg. Ipad,Iphone,Android tablets or phones).
2- Operating system used (eg. windows 7 or 8 etc, if it's 32 bit or 64bit version, Android OS version and IOS version on Apple devices)
3- Web browser you are using to access the site and it's version (eg. firefox, internet explorer, chrome, safari,netscape,opera, if it's a mobile browser eg Puffin browser etc.)
4- Adobe flash player version you have installed ( http://www.adobe.com/uk/software/flash/about/ ) link will tell you version you have installed.
5- Security programs you have installed (eg. Norton security suites or virus checkers or firewall programs).
6- What your internet speed is ( www.speedtest.net ) will tell you the speed of your connection. Just post the results in reply.
7- Type of internet connection you use Wifi, cable, or mobile internet.
8- Have you made sure to update your operating system to latest patches ?
9- Are you using www.flirt4free.com to access the site or some other site ? Try www.flirt4free.com if you are I know some people have problems on other sites for some reasons.
10- Anything else that maybe unique to your setup. Let us know.