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Technical Support: Moderators
Created by: chrisdk

4/3/18 @ 12:49pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Spain, longing for Denmark
Posts: 2,447

advantages, disadvantages ...

performers with a long history and many fans will be able to choose their moderators, but how about newbies, models with a longer break or irregular schedules etc. etc.?

I'd think most Flirt users would be fluctuating too much themselves to have such a position. Maybe I am only reflecting from myself. :angel
Created by: alberich

4/3/18 @ 4:52pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: breaking in, shaping up, then checking out
Posts: 970

I'd love that idea - having the power of banning. I would feel like a god.
Created by: rtyu12

4/3/18 @ 8:02pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

typo grr
Created by: rtyu12

4/3/18 @ 8:07pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

I'd love that idea - having the power of banning. I would feel like a god.

hehe me too but looks like even the performers will find it difficult to rely on us like Chris said, how many same users regularly show up when their fav models come online? we're unpredictable, best that models only keep the whip :winkwink
Created by: derek99

4/3/18 @ 9:57pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Living, and stranded on an island in Canada
Posts: 70,851

With the banning, there might be, or would be more people, who abuse the ban system. In this world, and day of age, there have been, and are people around, who haven't, and don't care about anyone including themselves. As far as people coming on to show up, it will vary, and depend.
Created by: xcalibur82

4/4/18 @ 6:32am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 15

Then i wish they would do the other things more often. The number of times we ask the viewer to be more polite and the girl asks them as well and they keep annoying us, ruining the mood in the room. Mnot all girls are familiar with this as a long always tell me they have to keep contacting support for any query's.

Thay might already do the other steps, but find out it does not work as they keep doing many times, so at the end they just go with the ban, and then just go for the ban right away as that way gets rid of the member so they no longer have to deal with them till the time they have set on it runs out.
Created by: xcalibur82

4/4/18 @ 6:36am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 15

In my experience performers are perfectly capable of running their rooms, so please no such nonsense as this moderator stuff.
If you want to go around and be a "White Knight": going private is the best way to "save" a performer from all the "evil" in the room.

Yes, some might be very capable of running their rooms, I not saying that they are not. But what the harm in them having another tool to use. No one complains about all other sorts of streaming sites having some sort of moderating and bot system able to control chats.
Created by: xcalibur82

4/4/18 @ 6:41am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 15

advantages, disadvantages ...

performers with a long history and many fans will be able to choose their moderators, but how about newbies, models with a longer break or irregular schedules etc. etc.?

I'd think most Flirt users would be fluctuating too much themselves to have such a position. Maybe I am only reflecting from myself. :angel

Yes, maybe for new starters to site it not be a thing they can fully use, till having a schedule and start getting regular members that they could give this too. But when It comes to new ones that work for a studio that could be a bit different, as staff at the studio could have accounts to take this rule for them till they get settled and find people to trust.
Created by: xcalibur82

4/4/18 @ 6:55am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 15

With the banning, there might be, or would be more people, who abuse the ban system. In this world, and day of age, there have been, and are people around, who haven't, and don't care about anyone including themselves. As far as people coming on to show up, it will vary, and depend.

Well for the ban part does not need to be included or like said if it was it be down to model if want that part active. Yes, some people would if given such power would maybe abuse it, But somehow don't think they would be able to do so for long or even get the chance. Yes, a lot of people don't give a care and behind a computer screen shows more so, by how I have seen some people talk to models. Your right it would vary on people showing up, due to time difference across the world and days, but with a lot of models they most likely already know their regular members and what ones of them will turn up at what time and on what days.
Created by: rtyu12

4/4/18 @ 8:44am (EST) |UTC - 5:00

When I visit the popular sites that have moderators, I wonder how any of the members or visitors get to have a nice chat with the model outside of a private show. Too much distraction from all over the place, like a fish market lol. All I see is the model or the mods either making announcements for tips or countdown for group shows or a general warning to some users to keep quiet. I don't see a casual, fun chat take place like in f4f where anybody(the fan club members, the other members & the grey users) can have an enjoyable, interactive chat about anything with the model. That's one of the best things about this site - just the model on one side, the rest of us on the other and some nice little chat. And click for a private or continue with the chat that everybody seems to be in & enjoy.
Created by: alberich

4/4/18 @ 12:04pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: breaking in, shaping up, then checking out
Posts: 970

Well for the ban part does not need to be included or ....

Where is the fun of being moderator when not having the power to ban ?

Created by: captured73

4/4/18 @ 2:20pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 161

Well on every site you can find positive or negative examples for everything. It mostly depends on the model, their style and what atmosphere is in the room.
As far as the communication with other users is concerned, I find that this is much more possible at other sites. There you see, who is in the room, you can talk publicly or private to everyone. Usually there is more communication in the rooms as not so much whispering is going on there.

Created by: captured73

4/4/18 @ 2:35pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 161

Well a mod can have fun for himself of course, but mostly he should support the model and understand his function like this. People as mod´s who are taking themselves too important, commenting everyone and everything are bad examples for me.
Here on this site with not so much traffic usually the model can handle its room by herself. Only in special situations eg. a party chat, where the models try to focus on the show a mod that helps to keep the room clean and handles abusive users could be helpful.
Created by: subprincess2missl

4/14/18 @ 8:54am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Kneeling devotedly at Miss L's feet
Posts: 1,297

I have a suggestion for how to keep a moderator from abusing the power to silence, mute or ban a user.
If you agree to become a moderator for a model then any unjustified actions you take against another user should cost the Moderator some of their Lifetime Flirt Points. It would of course be up to administration to determine if the action was justified or not.
Created by: xcalibur82

4/14/18 @ 10:38am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 15

When I visit the popular sites that have moderators, I wonder how any of the members or visitors get to have a nice chat with the model outside of a private show. Too much distraction from all over the place, like a fish market lol. All I see is the model or the mods either making announcements for tips or countdown for group shows or a general warning to some users to keep quiet. I don't see a casual, fun chat take place like in f4f where anybody(the fan club members, the other members & the grey users) can have an enjoyable, interactive chat about anything with the model. That's one of the best things about this site - just the model on one side, the rest of us on the other and some nice little chat. And click for a private or continue with the chat that everybody seems to be in & enjoy.

Well, that just the case for that sort of models room you been to as if the model themselves keeps just saying such things, the mods are just doing the same as it's what the model wants most likely. But that sort of thing is not the case in all rooms on sites that have mods. It comes down to the model and the members they have around them, it not down to if the site has mods or not. Cause even here you will still get that sort of talk from models and members in some rooms.
Created by: captured73

4/14/18 @ 12:52pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 161

I have a suggestion for how to keep a moderator from abusing the power to silence, mute or ban a user.
If you agree to become a moderator for a model then any unjustified actions you take against another user should cost the Moderator some of their Lifetime Flirt Points. It would of course be up to administration to determine if the action was justified or not.

I think thats way too complicate. Who should take these decisions and on what basis? The "administration" is not live in the room and afterwards they have only the words of the parties. This would lead to endless discussions.
Its more easy. The model can revoke the mod rights anytime if it thinks the mod was acting inappropiately.

Created by: gofish

4/14/18 @ 2:57pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 1,863

The moderator issue seems to come up when one sees problems in a chat room. Think sometimes it might be a case of the performer having many of his or her fans whispering in which case he or she misses out on any of the problem. Moderators might sound good but they must have the complete trust of the performer and have to realize they must have the best interests of the performer in mind. Banning a viewer should always be the LAST step.
The key to this situation can be seen in the chat rooms where there is a lot of chat going on. Overall Flirt must be seen as one of the best site a round as it does seem to have some standards. Not to mention some pretty interesting performers and members as well. :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup
Created by: z-money

4/14/18 @ 6:21pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 429

There's a lot of overthinking here! This feature doesn't even exist yet! :orglaugh So why are we basing opinions on what it COULD be?? It doesn't have to be a full-time job, so how often a member visits the model or how long they are in the room doesn't matter. Models don't need a moderator every second they are online. Not every model will need a moderator at all! This is just an additional tool that could be available, not a requirement. These discussions are great for determining what parameters need to be set, though.

Maybe moderators are only an option for the model if:
1) Guest chat is turned off
2) A certain number of registered users are in the room (50+, 100+)
3) Only in Party

As others have already said, the model will have to trust the mod, because there are no restrictions on who and why someone can leave a review of the model. If you have a trigger-happy mod who mutes or bans people indiscriminately, it won't be long until members start expressing their frustration about it in the model's reviews.

One thing that I don't think has been mentioned yet....would or should the moderator be able to see what is whispered to the model? I say this because recently I saw a model post on twitter about the abusive messages they were receiving, and the member was only sending them via whisper. I would guess that this is not uncommon. Not necessarily that abusive whispers are prevalent, but that there are beggars, excessive compliments, etc that are flooding the model's side of the chat, making it very hard to continue chatting with the "normal" people. Also, should the moderator be able to whisper to members? This could be used for warning members about their language, comments, or begging without doing it in front of the whole room.
If this tool were to be used, I think it should appear in the chat similar to other actions in the room like "A user submitted a show offer," "XXX Cleared the Chat history." So it would be "XXX Model has assigned a moderator to the room," and maybe the member that was assigned as moderator would now be able to toggle between two chat screens, one where they appear as their username when they chat and another where they can see whispers and appear as "Moderator." I imagine if moderators appeared under their own username, they would gain a reputation and abuse. It's a complicated idea that would take a lot of brainstorming and decision-making by Flirt, but the way that it is now, I think it's a good idea. Take away the ability for all guests and basics to chat in rooms??? That would be a different story.

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