Purgatory, you have been here longer than I have and undoubtedly have experienced more changes to the site, some good and some bad. In the time that I've been here, I have also seen changes, some of which I like and some which I don't.
I'm not sure what it was like without Twitter being allowed, but though it may be abused by some, I have found it to be extremely helpful in communicating with the models I follow. If they remember to tweet about it, I can find out in advance when they're going to be online, or if they're online at all. The current Notification system is notorious for being ineffectual and unreliable--just last night I received a notification that a model was online AFTER the model had already been online for 3 or 4 hours. I have received notifications AFTER a model has logged off. In fairness, I've also received notifications within moments of a model logging on, but this lack of consistency is very frustrating.
I will agree that the current chat system is inundated with basic users, though I haven't seen any claim to be under 18. However, it would be helpful if all the basic users were colored grey again instead of white...it is difficult for members to know who to encourage to tip or pledge, and who to not waste our breath on. It would also be helpful if the automated users that appear in open chat for guest users weren't so ridiculously rude and setting such poor examples for guests and new members...
Promos probably do need to be overhauled, or at least the promo contests do. And yet, I have seen new models rise up and displace older, more experienced models...not easily, but it has happened. And while it does become frustrating to see the same performers winning promo after promo--in some cases after being online for only 1-2 hours with a single particularly generous benefactor doing all the funding--in other cases these performers might also have been working hard some or most of the day to climb to the top (which of course makes it all the more galling when those other performers hop online for those couple of hours and displace those who worked hard all day, but I digress).
As to the type being left-justified or whatever, with so many people texting and such, the chat layout of the new interface is not an issue. It takes some getting used to, but on the whole it is not a major hardship to deal with. Having all the text the same size, where before the model's type was about 1.5 times larger, and enclosed in bubbles makes it rather easier to see than before. Another plus is that the large emoticons no longer crowd all the chat up and off the screen.
As for the quality of the models online, the studios they work for, and what the models are doing on cam in open chat, that does need addressing. The first is the responsibility of the studios, and there will always be those that are better and those that are sub-par, and they will filter out eventually. Same for the studios--those that put the effort into guiding and supporting their performers will survive, those that don't will not. And unfortunately, there's no way for VS to know who will succeed and who will not. Yes, we're the ones who wind up being impacted, but it is your choice to let it bother you or not. As to what models do on cam in open chat, I've seen some things, heard about others...as I understand it, the studios monitor their models, some closely, others not so much. All we can do is either not visit certain performers anymore, or report them to VS for doing questionable things on cam and let VS deal with the situation.
I apologize for disagreeing with some of your arguments, though I do understand your position and your points.