My life on VS is mostly in the Russian twink subculture, so some of my comments may not apply more generally.
Simulcasting on multiple sites has always happened in the 4 years I've been here. Some models are good about paying attention to all of the sites so you don't feel like you're being ignored. Others don't handle it as well (as is true with a lot of other aspects of running a room, like the attention given to phone and other apps). I choose to see them here rather than the other (generally cheaper) sites because the interface is better, the content of free chat is generally better, and because I get VODs of my private shows.
I'm seeing more models who used to be on VS now appearing only on the other sites. There are 2 things that drive that. One is that VS is much more aggressive in pushing "underperforming" models off the site than the other sites are. (The 8 hour ban for no pvts in 3 hours policy, for example). Some of my favorites are apparently considered underperforming in the bigger picture of the site.
The other is that when models want to change studios, many of the studios consider the room names to be their property and refuse to release them. The other sites allow the same performer to create a new room name, but VS policy forbids a model from ever having a second room name so they can't come back to VS from the new studio.
The purpose of the promo contests is to generate more revenue. So if they entice members with deep pockets to buy trophies to give as gifts to their favorite models, I guess they are successful. As I've said in other posts I hate the demoralizing effect on models who think they have a chance to actually win the contests through hard work and then lose to the high rollers' favorites (some of who are also hard workers, btw). Anymore, I just get upset when models try to pressure people to spend money to help them win contests I know they have no chance of actually winning.
Exchanging contact information has been an issue forever. About once a month you seen an unfortunate model who ends up with a video in Daily VOD where the preview picture is him somehow displaying his contact information. The twitter (and instagram) accounts in the profiles are helpful and I'd hate to see that feature removed just because it is another method for those abuses.
I've seen several models from the past come back to webcam in general recently, and their observation is that things aren't the same as they were 2 or 3 years ago, and they mean that across all of the sites. Fewer pvts, less productive traffic to the rooms, very difficult to earn the same amount as before, etc. I think that's more reflective of economic conditions and member/guest behavior than anything else.
The nature of free chat has changed some over the last few years. There are a few cases where things are wilder than before. However, in general I think free chat has gotten more conservative. Many more (guy) models who are fully dressed in free chat and don't even take their shirt off without tips or in pvt. I don't have a problem with that--I just don't see things in general being wilder in free chat as was suggested by one of the other posts.
To get back on topic, I'm very happy to not have to deal with the chrome/flash compatibility issues that were part of the old interface. The new interface has some iphone influences in its design which are taking a little getting used to and there are still some issues to be resolved (random room bounce from new offline page is my pet peeve), but it's definitely not driving me back to the old interface or off the site.
The site has always been a mix of favorites who are still here, interesting new models, and favorites from the past that I really miss. I think that's always going to be the nature of webcam.