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Technical Support: New Interface
Created by: ronnie-uk

4/19/14 @ 10:17am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: London, UK
Posts: 2,381

100% the new chat system is very difficult to read and keep up with and is honestly a huge step backward for VS compared to the flash chat system. All I can see is this new system is going to alienate the users and make them move to other sites that can be read and followed easily. There are a lot of things wrong with the site in the last few months and when I do have the time will be writing it up fully, honestly my opinion of the site in the state it is in now is the worst I have ever seen it and become a very poor service compared to what it use to be. This is regarding studios that are working on VS now that are very poor and very poor performers and to to top it all off the chat system changes are making the site worse too. I'm not even going to go into the site monitoring that is clearly not there any more and the ridiculous things some performers are doing in open chat and the ridiculous amount of basic users that are in most cases even admitting to be under 18 users. The chat has become a playground for people under 18 on the internet to waste time on now and left the adults that use the service to wonder what is going on. The promos that are running all the time should just be given to the same people that always win them and clearly the system for the promos needs changing to encourage other performers to come online and work and as we see many of the good performers have left the site or moved to other sites. Another big mistake from VS was allowing multicast with models on many sites at once and not taking notice of their rooms on VS because they are too busy typing private or go away or worse they even state they are in private on another site and can't chat or won't chat on VS because the other site has payers there and they are not interested in even chatting on VS. Another huge mistake was the "twitter" use and how performers are direct messaging users to do shows on Skype now and other sites they work on, nice way to loose business was allowing such a bad idea to be used and is clearly abused by many performers and is easy to see on their twitter when they even advertise "Skype shows".

The site needs to go back to it's roots not this mess its turned into that clearly is going wrong when companies like "playboy" that use to be part of the VS chat system left to other services or created their own chat system, reason they left was the poor quality performers at the time and I can see why they wouldn't want their name tarnished by such a poor setup that it turned into. Clearly the management of the site has lost the ability to control and manage the site in a manner it use to operate. Sorry VS but the site is very poor now and you need to go back to basics and look at some of the problems and start using the promos to encourage performers to work and not the same winning people over and over, the random draws are clearly also not random to anyone that watches the results.

I will write a full write up when I have time to explain these problems that are clearly there with the chat system now and the site's image is now is very poor and the way these "promos" are done are outright ridiculous now and upsetting many customers and performers how the site is running such events. It maybe even time to remove these promos in the form they are in and start sticking the funds for these contests in a more useful way to all performers that work sensibly instead of giving the same performers these promo prizes over and over and are the performers that clearly don't need to be encouraged or need these prizes.

Anyways I'm sure VS see this but clearly no one is doing anything to fix some of the things that have cropped up and have clearly not emailed customers that have left why they are leaving to find out what the problems are and why they are leaving the site and in most cases I see the users on other sites now and not VS. Simple reason is the poor performers now are a problem and the studios that are working on VS now are terrible and clearly are not even keeping models there is one studio every week has different performers now because they are clearly not telling the performers what the job involves and they leave when they find out, the studio where all their performers are sat on chairs as if it's an office is clearly in the wrong job. VS watch the chat and the system you run as a customer and ask yourself would you pay ? Time to go back to basics and encourage "performers" not gold diggers and beggars that have destroyed the chat.

Quite a shock post from the ever-helpful Technical Support guru! Some worrying points for VS to consider. Not just about the unpopular new interface, but a range of other points about Flirt4Free as well.

I see zyxwv098 has already responded. Do you want members to comment on these points here, Nabil?

General Discussions Forum topic(s)... ?
Created by: wonderboi2009

4/19/14 @ 12:22pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: Kansas, US
Posts: 417

My life on VS is mostly in the Russian twink subculture, so some of my comments may not apply more generally.

Simulcasting on multiple sites has always happened in the 4 years I've been here. Some models are good about paying attention to all of the sites so you don't feel like you're being ignored. Others don't handle it as well (as is true with a lot of other aspects of running a room, like the attention given to phone and other apps). I choose to see them here rather than the other (generally cheaper) sites because the interface is better, the content of free chat is generally better, and because I get VODs of my private shows.

I'm seeing more models who used to be on VS now appearing only on the other sites. There are 2 things that drive that. One is that VS is much more aggressive in pushing "underperforming" models off the site than the other sites are. (The 8 hour ban for no pvts in 3 hours policy, for example). Some of my favorites are apparently considered underperforming in the bigger picture of the site.

The other is that when models want to change studios, many of the studios consider the room names to be their property and refuse to release them. The other sites allow the same performer to create a new room name, but VS policy forbids a model from ever having a second room name so they can't come back to VS from the new studio.

The purpose of the promo contests is to generate more revenue. So if they entice members with deep pockets to buy trophies to give as gifts to their favorite models, I guess they are successful. As I've said in other posts I hate the demoralizing effect on models who think they have a chance to actually win the contests through hard work and then lose to the high rollers' favorites (some of who are also hard workers, btw). Anymore, I just get upset when models try to pressure people to spend money to help them win contests I know they have no chance of actually winning.

Exchanging contact information has been an issue forever. About once a month you seen an unfortunate model who ends up with a video in Daily VOD where the preview picture is him somehow displaying his contact information. The twitter (and instagram) accounts in the profiles are helpful and I'd hate to see that feature removed just because it is another method for those abuses.

I've seen several models from the past come back to webcam in general recently, and their observation is that things aren't the same as they were 2 or 3 years ago, and they mean that across all of the sites. Fewer pvts, less productive traffic to the rooms, very difficult to earn the same amount as before, etc. I think that's more reflective of economic conditions and member/guest behavior than anything else.

The nature of free chat has changed some over the last few years. There are a few cases where things are wilder than before. However, in general I think free chat has gotten more conservative. Many more (guy) models who are fully dressed in free chat and don't even take their shirt off without tips or in pvt. I don't have a problem with that--I just don't see things in general being wilder in free chat as was suggested by one of the other posts.

To get back on topic, I'm very happy to not have to deal with the chrome/flash compatibility issues that were part of the old interface. The new interface has some iphone influences in its design which are taking a little getting used to and there are still some issues to be resolved (random room bounce from new offline page is my pet peeve), but it's definitely not driving me back to the old interface or off the site.

The site has always been a mix of favorites who are still here, interesting new models, and favorites from the past that I really miss. I think that's always going to be the nature of webcam.
Created by: alberich

4/19/14 @ 12:59pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: breaking in, shaping up, then checking out
Posts: 970

Quite a shock post from the ever-helpful Technical Support guru! Some worrying points for VS to consider. Not just about the unpopular new interface, but a range of other points about Flirt4Free as well.

I see zyxwv098 has already responded. Do you want members to comment on these points here, Nabil?

General Discussions Forum topic(s)... ?

"General Discussions Forum topic(s)... ?"
Wth you think that is a topic for general discussion forum ? Why do you think that is for VIP's only ? :offtopic
Ohh - I know - it's technical help forum - and my reply - like yours is completely off topic here
Created by: wonderboi2009

4/19/14 @ 2:46pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: Kansas, US
Posts: 417

back on topic, any chance of getting the new interface to stop flashing the promo icon after you've read the message text? Kind of annoying after a while.
Created by: wonderboi2009

4/19/14 @ 10:03pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: Kansas, US
Posts: 417

i just answered my own question about an odd message that must have been the model's status line.
Created by: purgatory

4/20/14 @ 8:46pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00

Do you want members to comment on these points here, Nabil?

General Discussions Forum topic(s)... ?

Comment away mate, reality is we need to tell VS what we really think, because if we don't it turns into a site that we quietly leave and don't return to because of something that is not to our liking be it the technical changes or the services provided. Only reason I vented in this thread is because the changes made to the interface are comparable to windows 7 (flash chat) and windows 8 (the so called HTML5 chat that still needs flash "rolls eyes" and turned into a SMS client not a chat site client)... Yes I spend half my life now installing windows 7 on windows 8 systems now thanks to Microsoft's screw ups. This is another screw up with the HTML5 chat that has just not been realized yet, The chat bubbles are a joke and the text should be all on the left, I don't understand why such a huge change was made as the first release, any normal company would have tried to copy the look and feel of their old system and converted it to the new HTML5, so it does not feel like it has changed but offers mobile systems better compatibility, the go private buttons on the new chat are flat and ugly compared to the stylish flash layout, the model menu hidden in some side thing is horrible to use and all the side tools are terrible in the way they are, they were so much nicer on the flash chat on the top right of the screen as drop downs. List goes on, as I said I will sit down and break down all the problems with it and the best part VS I have not come to mention all the technical problems with the HTML5 chat which I really hope you are seeing because if not you are slowly going to loose customers. One example is open a few rooms and let them run, some say they are on break but really they have logged out or they are on break but for some strange reason it shows the go private button, or the other one is the room goes private and never comes out of private and only refreshing makes you realize hey the model is actually out of private but you sat there thinking she/he was in a show. There is more faults with this new chat system, these are all faults I realized in one days use of it and can't believe they are not fixed yet.

I'm just so busy recently that I have not had time to sit down and break down all the faults with it and all the new problems it causes to the business because as I said it sometimes says hey the performer is busy in a show or on break but reality is they either logged off or came back and the new chat has not changed to open chat again. Hopefully next week will have a bit of real time to go threw it and list all the faults with screenshots to show the problems and to test it on more browsers and see how it behaves and report back, so far I'm using latest Firefox and latest flash and seeing all these problems mentioned.
Created by: zyxwv098

4/20/14 @ 9:35pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Posts: 883

I can't speak to the technical side of things, but I have gotten stuck in those "frozen" rooms that you mentioned, including several times when the model has logged out while I'm still seeing the "In Private" or "In Multi-User" screen. I think I mentioned it in the forum, and contacted VS as well about the issue. And I agree, it is a problem.

However, as to the rest of it...have you given the new interface a chance, not as a tech-savvy, in-the-know, aware of the drawbacks expert but as a user? I admit that it took some getting used to (and the bugs still haven't completely been worked out yet--tipping in group chat, for example), but I was willing to give it a fair chance, and have found it to be about as usable as the old interface. I'm not comfortable with change either, but since the new interface would eventually become the default, I accepted that fact, made myself stay in the new interface, and adjusted. Now I'm comfortable with it.

@ronnie-uk: you mentioned in a thread in the General Information forum about tips not showing up in a distinctive color. As nearly as I can tell, they show up in a purple bubble, just as the performer's text appears in a blue bubble, power boosts show up in green, and member text (regular and VIP) appear in a grey bubble. In the new interface, while the tips probably do scroll off the screen much more quickly than before (probably due to the size of the bubble and the text), perhaps it will be more difficult to fake-tip because there's no purple bubble around the so-called tips?
Created by: purgatory

4/20/14 @ 9:50pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00

Another thing that's wrong is the welcome message in the rooms " Welcome to models name's private room, you may now start chatting!"

It should be Welcome to models name's open room, you may now start chatting!

It's not private but open room when you enter the room. It may confuse new customers and make them think they are paying as it states "private room" not "open room".

Created by: ronnie-uk

4/20/14 @ 9:53pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: London, UK
Posts: 2,381

@ronnie-uk: you mentioned in a thread in the General Information forum about tips not showing up in a distinctive color. As nearly as I can tell, they show up in a purple bubble, just as the performer's text appears in a blue bubble, power boosts show up in green, and member text (regular and VIP) appear in a grey bubble. In the new interface, while the tips probably do scroll off the screen much more quickly than before (probably due to the size of the bubble and the text), perhaps it will be more difficult to fake-tip because there's no purple bubble around the so-called tips?

When I switch to the new interface the tips are shown as white text in a grey box, same as the chat. There is a gold coins symbol, and the tip text is left-justified. Otherwise, the tips look exactly the same as the chat.

Looks like we are starting to get variations of the new interface.

Oh to get back to the same interface for everyone ..... :helpme
Created by: studly15773

4/22/14 @ 10:13pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00

Whoever designed the new interface ruined this site. The new interface is awful !!!!!
Created by: scrotum

4/23/14 @ 9:08pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00

Have a setting which gives a default choice for users so they can choose whether they wish to run the old or the new interface
Created by: purgatory

4/23/14 @ 10:31pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00

Have a setting which gives a default choice for users so they can choose whether they wish to run the old or the new interface

Agree it needs to remember the interface "WE" choose and not made to use an interface we dislike using. The cookies feature that remembered that is either removed now or not working.

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