For a while I have been thinking the FAQ section could use a major work over (not a good timing for this suggestion, I know, sorry).
I've been collecting different aspects of what I think is either completely missing, unclear or messy - both from going through the actual FAQ and from screening the Technical Support threads from this year. I believe half of the questions asked are not acute technical issues and could be avoided with an improved FAQ section.
I hope other members will contribute with ideas and suggestions, too.
*mumbles: start with something positive* On the plus side, I note that it does get updated with new entries.

However, let's face it: the FAQ section is pretty ugly, a jungle and patchwork of bits of information, difficult to go through and with an organization that is alphabetical but not helpful.
/// --------- Technical/organizational realization:
[1] Get rid of the extra pages
When a FAQ title seems to match what I look for, I click and get to a new page with a few lines to that topic. This is unnecessary and if it's not what I was looking for OR I want to browse a little more, I have to go back to the main FAQ page each time, start expanding to the subtitles again, etc. Given the little amount of information to each entry, it gets tedious fast.
So my suggestion is to use a system where not a new page is opened, but only a box unfolds or any similar expansion as is used now to see the actual topics in the different parts.
[2] Make it searchable
Add an internal search for the FAQ, this can gild any other less practical type of organization

[3] Structuring
As of now, the structure is strange; you have Group chats as a main section and only mention party chat in a subtopic ... it needs to have a more clear structure/organization. One general suggestion I have here is seperate technical issues (what cam is the best, login problems etc.) from informative points (how to, show types etc.). In fact, a FAQ written as "Information about", "Best practice" and "Technical problems" would be a good approach. I will try to stick to these main headings below.
/// --------- Content (restructuring and additions):
I'd go with priority, not alphabetically ...
[1] General Aspects / Information
[i] Show types should have one main section. As of now, group shows and show offers have, parties are mentioned somewhere, no mention of fanclubs and "members only" shows. Grouping of voyeur questions, difference between multi-user and exclusive privates etc. ALL in ONE place. Open chat here, too. This could include the color code used on the main page for differentiating the show types up and running.
[ii] the different contents of Flirt: photo archive/galleries/VODs (including reviewing)/chat rooms/feature shows/show calendar, again ALL in ONE place and then subcategories.
[iii] General aspects about billing, e.g. pay&play
[iv] interactive devices explained and not only kiiroo, but all types of interactive devices people can come across here ... this is ALSO promotion!
[v] The forum as a place to seek help and find fun, being able to exchange ideas and opinions with peers and models and admins should be promoted more! Reporting, deleting, moving threads about, subscribing etc. could be in here.
[vi] internal Message System: on attachements, creating folders, why do messages get "stuck in the chute" etc.
[vii] Interacting with models: Now call me idealistic, but I think a section including some ethics would be nice and should include information about tipping/boosting/flirt game/collecting badges/virtual gifts, tip targets/wishlist/giving reviews. I believe this should include some official statement, what people should NOT expect seeing in open chat, not even for tips.
[2] Best practice
Lots of members are concerned about their privacy/anonymity and a "best practice" section could address such concerns.
[i] Email settings, notifications, subscriptions are - in my impression - a highly missed topic in the FAQ. How to avoid unsolicited messages/advertisement etc. to your email account? (off-topic: Ideally you could add personal filter settings, so that members can block specific performers they don't want to receive messages from ...)
[ii] Personalizing your user profile ... would encourage more members to actually do that, if they knew how to and what can be done. This should address in particular using permanent or temporary nicknames (including deletion), basic instructions on what happens with tipping/boosting etc. when using different ones. Lists, favorites (including the obscure favorite shows/galleries ???). Tips&Tricks what to put into the profile and why it's good to have it either for only models or also members.
Also: make users aware of identity theft on here ... e.g. what letters to avoid.
[iii] What do models know about members entering in their room? Info about Wallet and Bank.
[iv] General tips&tricks when using a mobile device / laptop / PC.
[3] Technical problems
Billing issues, problems to connect to interactive devices, connection problems with mobile devices etc. should be here.
[i] recurring problems with [1](iii),(iv), [2](iv) ... video stream/audio problems and your famous "have you tried deleting your cache?". c2c problems etc.pp.
This got long, sorry

, Friday afternoon meeting is on me

Yours, an always concerned